Monday, January 3, 2011

Let's start the new year right!

This year is new for me in almost every way. I just graduated from college, I am living in a new house, in a new town, and with a [sort of] new job. Basically, God has given me a mostly clean slate in which He can paint a story. I don't know where this season of my life will take me, but I am excited about the changes that I have already faced.

Thankfully I live with one of my best friends, Laura. We share a wonderful two-bedroom house in an older  part of Norman, and our place is close to another best friend Abigail who is a law student at University of Oklahoma. Basically, we are going to take this town by storm.

This time of year always makes me evaluate where I am going with my life and where I want to be. And what better time to change than right now? I don't make resolutions flippantly, but today (three days after the beginning of the year, I can't say I am punctual) feels like the right time to make some goals for the upcoming year. 

My Goals for 2010:
  1. Memorize 52 scriptures this year (one per week).
  2. Be consistant with exercise--at least 3 hours every week (which should be easy with the FREE Zumba classes I found at a nearby church! Yowza!).
  3. Stop drinking soda.... I think I can, I think I can.
  4. Maintain a spiritual discipline all year. (I owe this idea to a bible class I took in college about working on the mission field. Our professor talked about how your spiritual disciplines are like a compass, and no matter how good or how bad your life is you can count on it to point you in the right direction. It's definitely a lifelong pursuit, but no time like the present to start.)
Alright.... Ready, set, go! Life starts here :)

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