Sunday, September 25, 2011

weekend update

I've had a crazy week, I'm half-way an emotional wreck, but that definitely doesn't mean I slowed down this weekend.

No, no--instead I tailgated and went to the state fair (for the third time) on Saturday. Tiring, but worth it.

My cousin came to explore OU. Obviously we had to visit the hottest man on campus--Sam Bradford.

This is what happens any time we try to take a picture together. 

But drinking root beer is a state fair tradition.

So pretty!

I love my friends :)

Sorority pic, plus Shawn.

Again, the laughing. It keeps us young. 

More root beer. We are obsessed :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

This poem is on my mind tonight for no particular reason, other than I just love it. Happy Friday!

Source: via Kaylee on Pinterest

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

life lessons

My roomie Abigail and I were talking earlier about how the older we get, the less we feel like we know. (Try to overlook the wordiness of that sentence... moving on.) I always thought that at this point in my life, I would have a bit more "figured out". Like what I want to do with my life. My career. Where I want to settle. You get the picture.

Alas, that isn't true. The future is one giant, blank canvas, which is at once exhilarating and incredibly intimidating. However, I was working on my freshman year scrapbook (so what if I procrastinate?) and I realized that that hindsight has taught me at least one thing: to trust my instincts.

Like everyone, I've screwed up in life. I've hurt people and embarrassed myself countless times. Looking back on those moments, I realize now that my instincts almost always warned me about the outcome. Most of the time I was too much in la-la land to listen closely, or maybe I doubted myself or the validity of my feelings. The reason I didn't listen isn't important now. What is important is to listen to that sentinel that keeps me on track and trust the small voice. It's never let me down.